What to do if your Animation in preventing movement in unity


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I have recently discovered a problem I have an animation that changes the objects Y position when it dose that it wont let it move while the animation is in the controller even if its playing or not but I found a way to have the animation still move up and down or left and right or witch ever way its moving in the animations and still move with your movement controller.

step 1. make a new object and parent it to the object with the animation problem

step 2. remove animator sprite renderer and anything that requires the animator or sprite render from the parent object

step 3. add everything you removed from the parent object and add it to the game object you just made

step 4. make sure everything is centered on the parent object and it all aligns up with colliders if you have them I like to do this by copy and pasting the X Y Z coordinates from the parent object to the child.

step 5. TEST make sure all animations work

bam hopefully everything is working if you cant see the animations on the camera make sure you have all of the X Y Z coordinates are right if not copy and paste them from parent object if the animation wont move with the colliders make sure you parent the game object with the animations on them to the collider game object